Darwin Waterfront with Purple Sky

Winning work to deliver Government projects

Explore the ins and outs of tendering with government, with a particular focus on tendering with the NT Government as a business

What is Tendering

The Northern Territory Government has a wide range of opportunities for businesses to deliver projects from web design to large construction works. Some opportunities are for short projects and others are for ongoing services. Knowing where to look and what the process of tendering is can help you work with government.

As part of tendering, you will come across the words procurement and tendering. What does it mean when Government refers to these terms:

Procurement is the purchasing of goods, works or services by the Government. Tendering is how the government gives everyone a fair chance to bid for work. It helps decide how to buy goods and services while making sure the Territory gets good value.

Man working

How it works

There are two levels of spending value which determines which process the Government uses.

Up to $100,000 and over $100,000 including GST.

Information for Aboriginal Businesses

The NT Government has an Aboriginal procurement policy which is designed to maximise the opportunity for Aboriginal Businesses to do business with Government. This policy applies to any opportunities valued over $15,000.

You can read about the Aboriginal procurement policy here:

Find out more

Tendering for Aboriginal Businesses

Local Businesses

The NT Government Buy Local Plan has been developed to ensure that local businesses are given a greater opportunity to tender for and win government work.

The plan improves the way local benefits are identified calculated and realised at all stages of the process.

To ensure this plan works, a buy local industry advocate exists as an independent link between business and Government.

You can find out more and contact your Buy Local Advocate:

Contact Buy Local Advocate

Other Tendering Opportunities

There are other opportunities to tender with Government, including local government (eg. local councils) and the Australian Government. The process and language used can be different to the NT Government. If you are interested in exploring opportunities, take time to discover and understand the process.

Local Government (eg. local councils): Search against local government name and ‘tendering opportunities’:

Tendering with the Australian Government

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