Find the right information about employing staff
Staff are often the biggest investment you can make in business. Being prepared with the right information and processes to successfully hire, pay and develop employees can set you up for success.
Find information for each stage of employing staff, including how to hire, your obligations as an employer, managing staff, conflict resolution and exiting staff.
Find employees to fill your skills gaps with WorkerConnect
Territory WorkerConnect is a free recruitment tool that helps NT businesses connect with jobseekers across the Territory.
The platform enables businesses to post their job vacancies for free and search for workers that meet their skills, experience and work rights requirements.
Jobseekers can search for jobs across a number key industries and sign up for job alerts. Jobseekers can also upload their AirCVs to the platform for free.
Territory WorkerConnect will help businesses connect with the right workers and allow jobseekers to search for jobs.

Skilling your workforce
There are resources available to help you upskill your workforce as your business needs change.
Workforce NT is dedicated to supporting a highly skilled and resilient workforce across all areas and sectors of the NT.
Alongside trusted partners, they keep up to date information for:
- Apprentices
- Students
- Job seekers
- Workers
- Employers
- Registered training organisations

Find information about:
Workforce Development Officers
As a business owner or manager, you can contact a Workforce Development Officer to help your organisation with staffing or training needs.
Learn more
Build and grow your workforce
Explore how the NT is committed to supporting employers to build and grow a capable workforce
Access free training courses
The NT Government offers free training courses for individuals in priority sectors which you can explore for yourself or your staff.
Industry Skills Advisory Council NT (ISACNT)
ISACNT is an NT Government partner. Their workforce and skills officers are well positioned to discuss your workforce challenges and provide advice and assistance with:
- Conducting a skill gap analysis
- Identifying vocational pathways
- Qualification, skillset or short courses available
- Developing innovative solutions to meet sector specific needs
They also provide information about local and federal grants that may help your business and support skilling your workforce.
Aboriginal Employment Programs
The Northern Territory (NT) Government is committed to supporting the training and skilling of Aboriginal people for long-term participation in the NT workforce.

Aboriginal Workforce Program
The Aboriginal Workforce Grants Program provides funding for projects that result in Aboriginal people getting jobs or developing careers within the workplace.
Aboriginal Responsive Skilling Program
The Aboriginal Responsive Skilling Grants program provides organisations with funding for accredited and non-accredited training for Aboriginal people to participate in the delivery of community projects.
Apprentices in the NT
If you have apprentices, or are looking to take on apprentices, find the right information and support.
GTNT Group is the NT’s largest not-for-profit provider of employment and training services and is your first point of contact for all queries about apprenticeships.
They offer a free service to apprentices, trainees and employers in the NT under the Australian Government’s Australian Apprenticeship Support Services.
They have the following services available:
- Apprentice Connect Provider
- Career services
- Tailored mentoring
- Support services

If you are an apprentice or would like to be an apprentice in the NT find out more
Get an apprenticeship or traineeship in the NT. Find out if you qualify for an apprenticeship and what steps you need to take
Contact your local office
GTNT have offices in Darwin, Alice Springs, Katherine and Tennant Creek
Employing and recruiting young people to your workforce
Employing young people is a great opportunity to add value to your workforce and provide training and mentoring to emerging workers. YouthWorx NT have collaborated with employers and young people to develop valuable resources to assist with hiring, onboarding, training and workplace wellbeing for young people. Build your confidence to hire and retain young workers. Access the employers tab for more information.

Migration and business
The Territory is home to people from diverse cultural backgrounds and welcomes anyone looking for new opportunities and a vibrant community to call home.
The NT Government supports migration for work in the NT through skilled migration visas. There is also an opportunity to migrate for business.
Find out more