
Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Business Certification

Learn about becoming a certified enterprise and what it could mean for your Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander business

Why get certified, registered and listed

Becoming a certified enterprise can give you access to further supports and access to funding that you may not be able to get otherwise.

This can mean greater access to:

  • NT Government procurement opportunities
  • Increased marketing opportunities through publications and business listings
  • Access to networking opportunities
  • Social recognition
  • Increased visibility

Where you can get certified, registered and listed

There are certifying authorities that confirm Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ownership and control of enterprises. The NT Government recognises their processes as reliable for ensuring the integrity of the certified Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander enterprise list.

If you are a majority owned Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders Business (51% or more), you can become a certified Aboriginal Enterprise. Becoming a certified enterprise can give you access to further supports and access to funding that you may not be able to get otherwise.

The NT Indigenous Business Network (NTIBN) is recognised by the NT Government as the peak body for Aboriginal Business Enterprises in the Northern Territory and the primary certifying body.

Northern Territory Indigenous Business Network (NTIBN)

NTIBN is the preferred certifying authority in the NT for Aboriginal businesses. With full certification you can use a member badge as evidence of your business’s authenticity as an Aboriginal Business Enterprise.

NTBI also support businesses wanting to transition to a majority Aboriginal owned and controlled business (51% or more) and can provide provisional certification while a business is transitioning.


P: 1300 192 164

Find out more

Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations (ORIC)

Indigenous corporations can register for free with ORIC under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (CATSI).

Once registered, ORIC supports your corporation with any governance or compliance needs. It offers training for key staff and makes sure you are complying with the law. There are fact sheets and resources available on their website.


P: 1800 622 431

Find out more

Supply Nation, Business directory for Indigenous businesses

If you are a registered or certified Aboriginal business, you can register with Supply Nation who can connect you with motivated buyers from across Australia. Supply Nation recognises two levels of Indigenous ownerships

Registered (50% or more Aboriginal and /or Torres Strait Islander ownership)

Certificated (51% or more Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander owned, managed and controlled).


P: 1300 055 298

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