8,000 jobseekers looking for work in the NT
Local businesses experiencing skill shortages can now search over 8,000 jobseekers registered in the Northern Territory Government WorkerConnect portal.

Regional Tech Hub
The Regional Tech Hub is helping rural, regional and remote businesses with phone and internet connectivity.

Positive Duty Laws
Changes to the Positive Duty Laws came into effect on 6 January 2025. As an NT business, you need to be aware of how these changes will affect you.

Leasing a commercial property as a small business
Know your rights, responsibilities and who to contact if you have any questions when leasing a commercial property.
Payroll Tax Reform
The Northern Territory Government is helping our small businesses grow by cutting payroll tax. If your business pays less than $2.5 million in wages each year, you may be eligible for the Northern Territory Government’s Payroll tax waiver.

Small Business Cyber Resilience Service
Providing free, tailored, person-to-person support for small businesses to improve their cyber security and recover from cyber incidents