Practical Risk Solutions NT

Practical Risk Solutions NT is a locally owned and operated risk management consultancy service dedicated to assisting small and medium businesses in the Northern Territory. Our primary focus is delivering practical workplace health and safety solutions tailored to the unique needs of our clients. We offer: - Safety, Quality and Environmental Systems (ISO and Legislative Requirements), including associated documentation. Project Management Plans and associated documentation - Business Gap Analysis, Risk Assessments and Action Plans - Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) and Work Instructions - Emergency Plans and Procedures, Accident and Incident Investigations - Workplace Induction, Onsite Mentoring and Toolbox Talks, Site Engagement, Inspection, and Reporting - Electrical and Fire Equipment Test and Tag.

Service area
  • Strategic business planning
  • Organisational governance
  • Work health and safety
  • Business improvement and innovation
  • Records and document management
  • Environment, Social and Governance
Industry speciality
  • General
  • Construction
  • Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services
  • Manufacturing
  • Professional, scientific and Technical Services


The list provided is intended for use as a general reference only, and does not constitute an endorsement of the businesses, their product or service. Applicants should undertake their own due diligence on the service provider they engage. The directory of service providers is available on the understanding that while the Department aims to maintain complete, accurate, and up-to-date information, it does not warrant the accuracy of the information provided and will accept no responsibility for reliance upon it nor responsible for any errors or omissions on the list and additional responsibilities of listed service providers. If you believe the information on this page is incorrect or misleading, please email