Common questions asked about Grants in the NT
The NT Government is committed to continue to provide grants and program opportunities for businesses throughout the NT.
Over the last 12 months, the Grants Administration team have put together a list of the most common questions asked, and the answers.
Who can see my Organisation Details?
All details listed under your Organisation in GrantsNT can only be seen by the organisation.
Grants NT Administrators cannot see or view any documents added in here.
Who should be listed in the Primary Contact details in grant applications?
As part of your grant application, you will need to provide the details of a primary contact. All correspondence regarding the application/grant will be sent to the email address listed under the Primary Contact. This email address cannot be changed once the assessment has started.
It is advised that you nominate an email address and phone number that will be accessible for the whole timeframe of the grant and the email entered in is correct. A mobile phone number is recommended, rather than a generic business phone number.
I can’t see my voucher, where do I look?
Login to GrantsNT. Once there, check the top right-hand corner of GrantsNT and see if you are in your organisation profile. If you are not, click on your name and a drop down will appear. Click switch profiles and go into your organisation profile.
Once you are in your organisation profile. Go to applications on the left-hand side menu. From there, you will see a button titled ‘ Vouchers’. Click this and it will take you to all vouchers under this organisation profile.
In special circumstances the Grants team can conduct an agency submission and either ‘accept’ the voucher on your behalf or submit it for payment on behalf of the supplier. This requires a written request from either the applicant or the supplier, as well as any relevant documentation.
If you are a supplier, check to see if the applicant has accepted the voucher in GrantsNT. If you are unsure or the applicant is unable to confirm you can contact the Grants Administration team and they can look into this further for you.
Where do I upload my bank details?
Organisation bank details must be uploaded under the organisation profile in Organisation Details.
Individual profiles must be uploaded under My Account.
The Grants team is telling me my bank details are not matching, what do I do?
Your Gas vendor bank account and Grants NT bank accounts must be the same BSB and account number used in both systems. Start by double checking your details and make sure they match.
If you are unsure which bank account or vendor ID you have, you will need to contact accounts payable on or call their office on 08 8943 6237 between 8am and 4.21pm Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.
I got an email requesting more information but can’t see the request in Grants NT?
Take these steps to view requests for more information in GrantsNT
- Make sure you are logged into your organisational profile. You can double check by looking in the top right-hand corner that you can see your business name (not your individual name)
- Click on Applications
- Click on Requests for Info
- All requests will be here for you to view and action
- Click on the request, and a new page will open up. Here you can upload a document and provide a written response if required. If you have more than 1 document to upload, you may need to contact the Grants team who can add extra requests or you may be permitted to email the documentation.
Where do I go to upload reporting documents or acquittals?
Take these steps to meet the reporting requirements for acquittal:
- Make sure you are logged into the correct profile
- Click on Applications
- Click on Reporting
- All required actions can be viewed and actioned from here
Helpful Tip
Tick “Select All Years” under financial years to see all required document requests.
I can only see my individual profile when I log into Grants NT. The organisation profile is not showing up?
If this is the case, follow these steps:
- Check that you have you received an invite to be a member of the organisation profile
- If no, then a member needs to first invite you in order for you to have access to the profile
- If that does not allow you to see your organisation, then you may be logged into the wrong account. Please try any other alternative email addresses and if you are still not able to get access to your organisation profile, please contact the Grants team who can further assist you.
The only member who had access to our organisation profile has left and we don’t have access to the email account used in order to reset the password to view our organisation profile, what do we do?
If this is the case, follow these steps:
- Make sure you have created your own individual profile.
- Email the Grants Administration team at with the reason why you cannot access the profile. You will need to written authorisation on the business letterhead from a director or board member, advising of the above and the Grants team will send you an invite to your email which is linked to your individual profile in order for you to gain access to your organisation profile.
We have forgotten who our members are that have access to our organisation profile?
If you need to double check who are the members of your organisation in GrantsNT, email the Grants team at or give them a call at 1800 193 111 and someone from Grants team will be able to tell you who your current members are for your organisation profile. You may want to check if a member of your team has left, or you are unsure.
Helpful Tip
When creating your organisation profile use a generic email account for the business not a personal email account. This way if you have a staff member leave someone from the organisation will always be able to access your organisation profile or reset the password to get access.
Have more than one member who has access to the organisation profile.